I am so excited for this, and for an original Exile map! Exile (with the original sprites) was my very first RPG, and the start of lifelong love for the things. What a treasure trove you uncovered!

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Looking forward to it! Also, curious about the new skills/rebalancing. I have never yet played a ranged character in any of the remakes--always gone mage/priest/paladin/dps melee combo. I should probably mix it up one of these times, lol.

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I've always had an archer in my team, and they tend to be life-savers!

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Already funded! Congratulations!

This might turn out to be your most successful Kickstarter campaign to date.

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Signed up to the kickstarter, feels good to be on the ground floor.

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Already supported the Kickstarter.

One comment about the visuals on Avernum 4, the copy I have through Steam (it looks like it is the 2005 version): I like the size/magnification of the playing field, how big the characters and objects are, but really dislike the glowy outline around the lead character in the group. In the most recent three Avernum upgrades, I find myself wishing I could make the playing field, objects, and characters a bit larger, like they are on Avernum 4, without losing resolution. I'm playing at 1920 x 1080 screen resolution, windowed on Crystal Souls, for instance.

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I discovered Spiderweb via the first two remasters, Avernum 1 & 2. Not long after that, I began to dive into Spiderwebs library and I've been enthralled ever since. I'm SO happy that Spiderweb is doing well and our support is helping Spiderweb so much through Kickstarter.

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Can you share a little more (perhaps in a later KS update) about the new backgrounds in the video? Will they affect the story or are they just a stat perk?

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Huh. “Two so-so games in a row?” … I know Blades of Avernum was a disappointment (I mean, I liked it, but what do I know?), but I’m surprised to hear the Geneforge sequels did poorly. The GF2 Remake was really good – maybe that’s why I’m surprised.

Avernum 4 is, sadly, my least favorite of the series, but that just means no other entry can see as much improvement. In any case, as with all your work, you have my eager support.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

He's referring to GF3 I think, which is the wide consensus as weakest in the series. The last two Geneforge games are much better regarded.

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Probably. Honestly, as much as I like the Geneforge Remakes and series as a whole, Geneforge really blurs together in the middle for me.

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